Aytel comments, page 3

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15-December-2014 Monday
Always fight to the end!

23-November-2014 Sunday
Let's get out of here

17-November-2014 Monday
Interesting short film about Dave!

16-November-2014 Sunday
Gotta catch the bus!

22-October-2014 Wednesday
The most perfect of murders.

09-August-2014 Saturday
I did not immediately understand, because it was rude, but then I clapped!

25-May-2014 Sunday
The sixth book pleases with humor :D

30-April-2014 Wednesday
Dodger's advice or how to taste an overseas fruit without overpaying.

27-April-2014 Sunday
An idea was born

25-April-2014 Friday
Inspired by the current situation

20-April-2014 Sunday
How Russia received gifts.

10-April-2014 Thursday
whale fish

04-April-2014 Friday
The current generation will not understand

03-April-2014 Thursday
Something I'm tired, perhaps I'll lie down right here

03-April-2014 Thursday
For all fans and connoisseurs of films about Harry Potter.

02-April-2014 Wednesday
Joke! Odessa

31-March-2014 Monday
Insulting the feelings of believers. Bible.

28-March-2014 Friday

27-March-2014 Thursday
Exactly 14 years ago, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was first elected President of the Russian Federation.

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