worst comments
Looking for (I know what I don't)
Looking for (I know what I don't)
Looking for (I know what I don't)
Maybe already legalize?
Looking for (I know what I don't)
Belarusian military provoke Polish border guards, preparing a breakthrough of migrants
Belarusian military provoke Polish border guards, preparing a breakthrough of migrants
Looking for (I know what I don't)
Looking for (I know what I don't)
Looking for (I know what I don't)
On the Russian-Kazakh border, a migrant was caught bypassing the checkpoint. He is forbidden to stay in Russia
Russians are coming
YouTube, go f*k! With their advertising where they scream, cry, whine and climb with other scams! Smelly scammers!
Couturier, did you make a chevo?!
What's up?
Looking for (I know what I don't)
Looking for (I know what I don't)
Looking for (I know what I don't)
A great way to get in line
State Duma deputy Arefiev called for an increase in the working week in Russia
Afghan migrant for violence against a 13-year-old German woman punished with… a course of sex therapy
Everyone spreads, but why am I worse?
YouTube, go f*k! With their advertising where they scream, cry, whine and climb with other scams! Smelly scammers!
Looking for (I know what I don't)
Looking for (I know what I don't)
Looking for (I know what I don't)
For this life did not prepare me
Sleep after 30
About names
Olga Buzova became an honorary master of the club "What? Where? When?"