Avikak posts

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15-August-2017 Tuesday

04-August-2017 Friday
When he said nasty things without losing his dignity.

22-June-2017 Thursday
When "sleep" is a calling.

07-June-2017 Wednesday
With "loot"

17-May-2017 Wednesday
Question about how to pick up personal items.

03-May-2017 Wednesday
Ferret-tailed wilyak

13-April-2017 Thursday

10-March-2017 Friday
Help finding GIFs

09-March-2017 Thursday
Gives back

26-January-2017 Thursday
Dragged but saved

01-January-2017 Sunday
On the first of January, we are all a bit of a ferret.

31-December-2016 Saturday
Ferret and dog

21-December-2016 Wednesday
"What do you call the ship" or the life of Nezek

20-December-2016 Tuesday
All yawners yawner

12-November-2016 Saturday
Dress up for winter

02-November-2016 Wednesday
hot nose

24-October-2016 Monday
Power Peekaboo, help me find the movie.

27-September-2016 Tuesday
Sometimes a ferret is more of a cat than the cat itself.

02-September-2016 Friday
Entangled in the crib handles, legs, heels

28-January-2016 Thursday
How they cheat at an interview at a theater agency.

27-January-2016 Wednesday
Q-net, or how they work in "non-network"

18-November-2015 Wednesday
The first rule has been broken.

01-October-2015 Thursday
For those who miss buckwheat with gravy, aluminum forks and faceted glasses.

28-September-2015 Monday
Please help me find the poem

06-September-2015 Sunday
Street, lamp, condom.

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