Atheism comments, page 2

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29-July-2014 Tuesday
Gift in the incentive Gun Monkeys. (Puzzle)

23-July-2014 Wednesday
How to create a song with no talent.

22-July-2014 Tuesday

20-July-2014 Sunday

18-July-2014 Friday
Smiled =)

10-July-2014 Thursday
When a Russian marries a Japanese woman, it's overkill!

25-June-2014 Wednesday
16 years ago, this guy was diagnosed with autism. The mother said that he would not speak, she would not even hear the word "Mom".

22-June-2014 Sunday
American special forces, or why it was not worth inviting our Alphas to recent competitions.

21-June-2014 Saturday
Different types of sockets in different countries

28-April-2014 Monday
Cucumber crocodile.

23-April-2014 Wednesday
Fresh element of the periodic table

23-April-2014 Wednesday
selling soul

05-April-2014 Saturday
This is my Nokia 3220 nostalgia

21-March-2014 Friday
The song of one pikabushnik

20-March-2014 Thursday
Patrick's story

20-March-2014 Thursday
Here's a long post with absolutely fucking Japanese comics

20-March-2014 Thursday

20-March-2014 Thursday
Military equipment for breast replacement

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