Atatash posts

28-June-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “I don’t understand how you can work at Pyaterochka at 40 years old”

15-December-2023 Friday

06-October-2023 Friday
FUCK, why am I depriving my grandson of his birthday because of his sister’s misdemeanor?

14-May-2023 Sunday
Evil grandmas and only bad people around?

04-March-2023 Saturday
And even a stump on a February day...

17-November-2021 Wednesday
On the Polish border

03-November-2020 Tuesday
Post #7810430

26-October-2020 Monday
Cat Dusya and popular unrest

19-October-2020 Monday
Cat Dusya and career guidance

16-October-2020 Friday
Dusin's life and adventures

14-October-2020 Wednesday
And no one procrastinates at all!

13-October-2020 Tuesday
Dusin's life and adventures (continued)

09-October-2020 Friday
Dusin's life and adventures

11-July-2017 Tuesday
Aunt Shura and the Captain.

26-June-2017 Monday
Live not for joy, but for conscience?

15-June-2017 Thursday
Aunt Shura and the Pravda newspaper.

10-June-2017 Saturday
And then we ourselves complain about men.

09-June-2017 Friday
Princess Froska and the Wandering Dragon

06-June-2017 Tuesday
In defense of Aunt Shura =)

02-June-2017 Friday
Aunt Shura and purple bag

02-June-2017 Friday
Aunt Shura

31-May-2017 Wednesday
Gatherings of vultures and life-not-storytellers.

28-May-2017 Sunday
Teachers to always remember.

28-May-2017 Sunday
About my first teacher.
