worst comments
What is illegal but everyone does it?
What is illegal but everyone does it?
Time Machine. Made in USSR
What is illegal but everyone does it?
Time Machine. Made in USSR
It's impossible to argue with this
What used to be considered unacceptable, but is now normal?
It's impossible to argue with this
It's impossible to argue with this
It's impossible to argue with this
It's impossible to argue with this
It's impossible to argue with this
Time Machine. Made in USSR
Time Machine. Made in USSR
Everyone needs to know this!
Shcherbakov, what's wrong with you?
Try it out!
A story about a divorce scheme and communication with phone scammers extorting plastic card data
Vine was right? :)
+1 electrical phobia. TU or GOST?
+1 electrical phobia. TU or GOST?
"Sosal status" or about one of the schemes for honestly withdrawing your money