Asovalisa comments, page 8

[9] [8] [7] [1]

09-February-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “Response to the post “Medical error””

31-December-2023 Sunday
Happy New Year to all singles

09-December-2023 Saturday
Slobodan Milosevic's latest appeal to the Russians

01-December-2023 Friday
Something went wrong in Kerch

10-October-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the post “AI from Yandex”

26-September-2023 Tuesday

13-September-2023 Wednesday
I get bullied at school. If I go to the police, will law enforcement help me?

29-August-2023 Tuesday
Daughter, help hang the curtains!

07-August-2023 Monday
Doggy style trolling

21-July-2023 Friday
Support, but not follow or again about fanatics

20-July-2023 Thursday
The State Duma unanimously adopted a law obliging schoolchildren to work taking into account age characteristics and without parental consent

17-July-2023 Monday
You won't see anything cuter today

14-July-2023 Friday
The answer to the post "Solar?"

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