Artlexkz posts

30-March-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Didn’t make it through”

04-February-2024 Sunday
Reply to Lunalaluna in “Reported to the traffic police about a drunk friend driving. Did you really do something bad?

29-January-2024 Monday
Reply to lurdo in “Your opinion”

31-October-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the “Question” post

30-October-2022 Sunday
Response to the post "The thought of a hard worker No. 203"

31-July-2022 Sunday
Alex5374's answer to Legal Stories #408: Why?

16-July-2022 Saturday
Reply to "About Friends"

23-June-2022 Thursday
What if…

18-June-2022 Saturday
Reply to the post "Dumb laughs at smart"

02-May-2022 Monday
Help with newborn puppies (SOS!)

13-March-2022 Sunday
Parents don't change

03-January-2022 Monday
Response to the post "In Rechitsa on New Year's Eve, a 27-year-old boy, detained by the security forces, died"

04-October-2021 Monday
Lonsi's response to "Still not smart"

07-August-2021 Saturday
Ants don't care about millet and rice

29-July-2021 Thursday
The answer to the post “Damn, what’s the point of living then if you deny yourself gastronomic pleasure because of health?”

05-July-2021 Monday
Another bottom hit

24-June-2021 Thursday
Last news

15-June-2021 Tuesday
Answer / question / call to the post "Not gone"

26-June-2020 Friday
Post #7546671
