Artemisx posts

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12-February-2013 Tuesday
How much does Tesak cost?

07-November-2012 Wednesday
Remember this cute pig?

27-August-2012 Monday
Old man BMW 02 (E10) 1967

16-August-2012 Thursday
Choose your weapon

02-August-2012 Thursday
League of Good or League of Evil?

01-August-2012 Wednesday
I'll go out into the street, and there ...

01-August-2012 Wednesday
Am I the only one who associates these emergency vehicles with the Night Watch?

29-July-2012 Sunday
Bicycle parking in China

22-July-2012 Sunday
When there is no belt

22-July-2012 Sunday
watermelon placer

16-July-2012 Monday
Who teaches will understand

12-May-2012 Saturday
urban jungle

05-May-2012 Saturday
Launched! And I didn't catch...

03-May-2012 Thursday
...Live and die like a Jedi

03-May-2012 Thursday
Darth Vader Art

03-May-2012 Thursday
Walking your dog is more fun!

02-May-2012 Wednesday
Avengers. Caricature

01-May-2012 Tuesday
Gotham protector haircut

01-May-2012 Tuesday

01-May-2012 Tuesday
Chocolate ruler

08-April-2012 Sunday
Summer Imperial Palace

08-April-2012 Sunday
Chinese girl

06-April-2012 Friday
Police patrol in Beijing at Tiananmen Square

05-April-2012 Thursday
I've been in Beijing for 2 years, but I still can't get used to these death capsules.

04-April-2012 Wednesday
Pumped into a bottle of gas and photographed

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