Arktur comments, page 4

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27-November-2015 Friday
When you read someone else's code without comments

20-November-2015 Friday
Soviet "YES" or Soviet "what is it at all ?!"

09-November-2015 Monday
Creativity and boasters post ^_^

04-November-2015 Wednesday
What is it called?

22-October-2015 Thursday
Interesting wood and aluminum furniture

21-October-2015 Wednesday
Continuation of the assembly of moonshine.

21-October-2015 Wednesday
Russia is on the way to world platinum dominance

16-October-2015 Friday
How do I peel potatoes?

15-October-2015 Thursday
The operator was impressed, it seems that even Allahakbar's speech was forgotten.

13-October-2015 Tuesday
This is how the best physicists of our country grew up

11-October-2015 Sunday
El Fuerte coffee ad: "The best way to wake up"

11-October-2015 Sunday
Houdini rectal kit

10-October-2015 Saturday

10-October-2015 Saturday
Everything seems to be as usual...

10-October-2015 Saturday
Another afternoon in the country won.

09-October-2015 Friday
Nuclear disaster of our days or Fukushima today

09-October-2015 Friday
Space travelers menu

08-October-2015 Thursday
So the question

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