worst comments
What's going on with the girls?????????
What's going on with the girls?????????
What's going on with the girls?????????
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
What's going on with the girls?????????
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
What's going on with the girls?????????
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Post with the most downvoted comments
Guys, need advice/help
Advantages of small breasts
Long post about Britain. Whether it is necessary?
This feeling !
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
What's going on with the girls?????????
Revelations of the heartless... many letters... Sorry for the spelling.
Oh these children
Where is the world heading! Why so many vanilla boys? my indignation at "male" tears.
Where is the world heading! Why so many vanilla boys? my indignation at "male" tears.
Chocolate for real men
A couple of seconds after a new toaster has been opened
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
How girls choose their boyfriend
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help
Guys, need advice/help