AnnaSon posts

18-May-2024 Saturday
Real growing up and “infantile” adulthood

27-January-2024 Saturday
Everything is simpler than it seems: the easiest path to your DESTINATION

26-January-2024 Friday
Overeating, excess weight, emotional hunger - the consequences of ignoring your Soul and lack of spiritual realization

25-January-2024 Thursday
The spiritual path from scratch: 5 simple practices for beginners that will change your life

25-January-2024 Thursday
The more internal inhibitions you have, the more difficult it is to build close relationships with people.

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Myths about SPIRITUALITY and reality: the most common misconceptions about spiritual practice

01-December-2023 Friday
How to see and realize the dead end and get out of the karmic loop?

01-December-2023 Friday
The mastery of managing Reality is a skill that everyone who remains to live on planet Earth will soon have to master.

14-October-2023 Saturday
Why no money, problems with a partner, no implementation | Why heal your family? And how to do this?

12-October-2023 Thursday
Ascension of the Earth, quantum transition, from 3D to 5D, evolution of consciousness

12-October-2023 Thursday
Financial dependence on a man

09-October-2023 Monday
How easy is it to fulfill your desires?

09-October-2023 Monday
How to stop being jealous?

03-October-2023 Tuesday
Spiritual backsliding into suffering | How to get out of the “victim”

03-October-2023 Tuesday
How we create everything in life with our BELIEFS | according to your faith may it be done to you
