AnnaArchivent comments, page 2

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08-October-2017 Sunday
Some interesting facts about religions, countries and their population

25-July-2017 Tuesday
About the debilizm of the convicts.

12-May-2017 Friday

03-May-2017 Wednesday
Man spends $35,000 to transform into an elf

14-April-2017 Friday
A conversation between a Stalinist and a Solzhenist, or about “they imprisoned for nothing”…

25-February-2017 Saturday
Lentach - Impact from the "Orthodox Center for Rapid Response"

09-February-2017 Thursday
Ice horror Cordillera. How the Huascaran Avalanche Killed 40,000 People

10-January-2017 Tuesday
Eunuchs: how, why and why

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