worst comments
Great ukry
Help at the refugee center
Great ukry
Help at the refugee center
It's all about the meat!
Self 69
Help at the refugee center
Great ukry
"Wife is pregnant and chewing gum!!!"
Girls ...
Copper sulfate crystals
Copper sulfate crystals
Copper sulfate crystals
Parable (taken from LiveJournal)
Parable (taken from LiveJournal)
Photographs of Jeremy Clarkson in Barbados
Another story on the topic I have a child
Another story on the topic I have a child
Love is... (small side note to recent controversy)
Loneliness post
Men's fears
Discrimination of characters from Walt Disney
Help at the refugee center
Guys, take note! Or guys, don't!
Underground millionaire
Edward elric
I have been asked one question for a long time and are surprised by the answer.
On the subconscious
On the subconscious
Need a side view
On the Ritts
The fate of one graffiti.
Copper sulfate crystals
Another story on the topic I have a child
Batman v Superman: old school version.
New Year
Best childhood joke
"Thousand devils!" or how to get drunk for 100 rubles
"Thousand devils!" or how to get drunk for 100 rubles
"Thousand devils!" or how to get drunk for 100 rubles
"Thousand devils!" or how to get drunk for 100 rubles
Evil grandmas
Family weekdays
Do you know what drives me white-hot? (Part 2)
The actors are old men. It seems that they were born old at once.
help the teapot
Romantic for two. Stand for glasses.
Another story on the topic I have a child
Another story on the topic I have a child
Suspicious thought process
Portal cologne
No title
One-room apartment (36 m2) - kings will envy
Life is changing for the better