AnirazGal comments

[11] [2] [1]

18-May-2017 Thursday
Smuggling of rare animals.

17-May-2017 Wednesday
Reading speed, and is it worth measuring it?

15-May-2017 Monday
How I was the administrator at the hotel, part 3. About the wife, the unfaithful husband and the beeline coordinates.

12-May-2017 Friday
Resentment against the teacher, or why I stopped learning Kazakh

01-May-2017 Monday
Tales of stormy youth. Home pet.

30-April-2017 Sunday
Somehow I don't want to go there.

19-April-2017 Wednesday
Are you having a bad mind?

17-April-2017 Monday
Chronicles of Ember (Chronicles of Amber) R. Zelazny.

17-April-2017 Monday
On the hot topic of beggars in the subway

30-March-2017 Thursday
Small world and so on

29-March-2017 Wednesday
Ugly European women!11!!

24-March-2017 Friday
Carelessness in district clinics.

11-March-2017 Saturday
Mystery of adoption. part 3

09-March-2017 Thursday
Cats and children.

09-March-2017 Thursday
You, Petersburgers, have no goals.

28-February-2017 Tuesday
Sleep paralysis.

21-February-2017 Tuesday
How I learned fear of the unknown

20-February-2017 Monday
What we gain thanks to the father

19-February-2017 Sunday

[11] [2] [1]
