AndrejFox comments

[6] [2] [1]

01-January-2019 Tuesday
Something is wrong here.

04-December-2018 Tuesday
Power bank with the shopping center "Savelovsky" or what it really is.

29-November-2018 Thursday
Help with 3D printing

18-October-2018 Thursday
Kilometer web surrounded the lake in Greece

01-July-2018 Sunday
Mysticism, photoelectric effect or big memory problems?

29-June-2018 Friday
How do you like this "Gazprom"?

02-April-2018 Monday
House in the village of Prostokvashino.

23-March-2018 Friday
To Kill a Mockingbird.

21-March-2018 Wednesday
Shunting diesel locomotive ChME3 - 1990 made of paper

14-March-2018 Wednesday
Kettle with radiator.

09-March-2018 Friday
App size discounts?!?!

05-March-2018 Monday
Brevity is the sister of talent, and water scooters are handed out for it ...

03-March-2018 Saturday
Never liked cats...

02-March-2018 Friday
"Buy some milk for your son!"

23-February-2018 Friday
My first appearance on the list .. and on the peekaboo

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