Anderson8 comments, page 6

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08-August-2014 Friday
New-old Maidan. Who benefits?

06-August-2014 Wednesday
Candy and geopolitics

06-August-2014 Wednesday
So what will happen to the food?

06-August-2014 Wednesday
How much money was stolen from Russia by England, France, USA.

06-August-2014 Wednesday
Back to USSR

06-August-2014 Wednesday
Dementia and dementia

06-August-2014 Wednesday
Russians are a nation of crooks and thieves

05-August-2014 Tuesday
In fact, Ukrainians and Russians are one people (Kievan Rus)

05-August-2014 Tuesday
It's nice to be God to someone.

05-August-2014 Tuesday
There are bacteriological weapons in Ukraine!

05-August-2014 Tuesday
Military reports

04-August-2014 Monday
In the light of recent events concerning Siberia

02-August-2014 Saturday
Sanctions do not threaten us, no matter how terrible they may be.

01-August-2014 Friday
I'm not generalizing of course ;)

31-July-2014 Thursday
The building of the Mejlis in Simferopol

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