best comments
The son brought a diary with a remark
The son brought a diary with a remark
The son brought a diary with a remark
Bear rod
The son brought a diary with a remark
The son brought a diary with a remark
Two beauties :)
Neighbors 5
Black Widow
Let's see how many Petersburgers are here? The picture that gained thousands of likes in St. Petersburg groups
Have a good mood!
Continuing yesterday's topic - the promised "shift schedule"
I promised Pikabushnik to draw the word "Colossal". Unfortunately, I lost his nickname, but in any case, this is for you, my inspiration :)
Chess humor.
Techies are joking
Scottish Terrier
Scottish Terrier
Foxes are carriers of rabies
Foxes are carriers of rabies
Trick it…
Dental history
Shaggy grandma
Suspect cracked
Suspect cracked
The son brought a diary with a remark
The son brought a diary with a remark
Bear rod
Bear rod
Man of Hope
In the evening, the legs begin to buzz ...