Amanthul comments, page 29

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09-March-2016 Wednesday
How I sold the saw

23-February-2016 Tuesday
"In the photo, we see how the realization comes that throwing a can of black paint into a fire is an idea below average"

02-January-2016 Saturday
Spare stock theft

20-December-2015 Sunday

13-December-2015 Sunday
About pedestrians

28-November-2015 Saturday
Trampolines fps

22-November-2015 Sunday

18-November-2015 Wednesday
When your favorite movie series gets an unexpected sequel

12-November-2015 Thursday
How do I take my child to the doctor?

10-November-2015 Tuesday
Or is it just me?

25-October-2015 Sunday

17-October-2015 Saturday
Good old internet clubs.

15-October-2015 Thursday
And this is a sundial with ... let's say a cuckoo.

04-October-2015 Sunday
such a life

02-October-2015 Friday

01-October-2015 Thursday
I think there is a real policeman under the asphalt))

19-September-2015 Saturday
Flowering cactus in slow motion

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