best comments
Bummer :)
I'm already an adult, but today I decided to try to do it with glue one more time
Long post tediousness
The reaction is going well
Swedish skier
How much pain is in one photo
Direwolf Starkov
They give chains and rings to everyone, but my husband gave me a very unexpected gift: D
New graffiti inspired by recent events in Melbourne
It is not easy to be a cat among owls.
A selection of underrated films
When it's not time...
Everyone has their problems...
Wild animals
The cat realizes that he is no longer the only pet in the house...
The myth of unwashed Russia is another lie instilled in us by liberals...
"LED Keyboard"
Hello, do you believe in God?
catfish 110 kg 2m 67 cm Tsimlyansk reservoir caught with seine 250m
The cat is sick, the doctors are powerless!
Crazy air conditioner
Impressive realism
Everyone has their problems...
Our brains are such a mess...
The Japanese know how to advertise lingerie
The Japanese know how to advertise lingerie
The Japanese know how to advertise lingerie
Radio Garden - live radio from anywhere in the world
Lost Labrador Puppy!
How to make iPhone blue.
“You got the wrong kitchen, boy”
Curves perfectly
Voice of childhood
There it is
The whole point of learning
That would be interesting too
Rain in Houston
Don't care
Comments are great as always xD
Father and son 11 years later
"Let me go now! I'm a vampire! I'm evil itself!"
Unreal Workout
When a man changed places with a dragon (ver.2)
how not to smear :)
Food for thought...
I'm already an adult, but today I decided to try to do it with glue one more time
Old new find
Firefighters at the Russian Embassy in Ukraine
Firefighters at the Russian Embassy in Ukraine
Store owners at work
This looks better
Girl threatens her boyfriend's mistress
Failed hit-and-run
Russia: Nature and Geography
Father filmed his daughter when she was doing...
Gate to hell!
Humanization of BMO.
Humanization of BMO.
Monument to the Lena River in Olekminsk
Website problem
Briefly about 2017
Art for "Escape from New York"
Peekaboo, I'm asking for advice.
Peekaboo, I'm asking for advice.
Peekaboo, I'm asking for advice.
Peekaboo, I'm asking for advice.
I love this ad
Dive on the Askat Blue Lakes.
Landfill disposal
Landfill disposal
Wet pussies, cats and a bear
Origin owners will understand
Bitch driving.
How real men cook meat
And today we are 18 years old!
Note to cat lovers
When the older sister asked me to shoot a video with a spinner for her.
An episode from the extended version of The Hobbit
Americans concocted a long post with Russian wedding photos
"Grilled fish in the backyard today, out of the corner of my eye I noticed the neighbor's cat"