Almazen posts

16-April-2022 Saturday
I am looking for a companion in Turkey from the end of April and there until mid-June

13-April-2020 Monday
Reply to the post “Objective reality”

10-April-2020 Friday
Coronavirus positive person

13-October-2018 Saturday
The most oppressed sexuals

14-June-2018 Thursday
What if you ask like this?

02-June-2018 Saturday
Airplanes: how much does it cost to carry fat

16-May-2018 Wednesday
How "independent" media work

06-April-2018 Friday
Putin and boredom

27-March-2018 Tuesday
About justice

06-October-2017 Friday
On the wave of stories about massage

01-April-2017 Saturday
The story of Rosstat and the average salary

08-February-2017 Wednesday
Trailer - Friends 2017

21-August-2016 Sunday
To the exit of the third Hops and Klondike

30-October-2015 Friday
Andrey Kruz about Serdyukov

18-October-2015 Sunday
Crying for other people's money

03-December-2013 Tuesday
A little bit about Euro-Ukraine
