16-November-2016 Wednesday
Why Muscovites are evil and Yakuts are beautiful: a map of stereotypes about residents of Russian regions
14-November-2016 Monday
Queue games
13-November-2016 Sunday
P - protests
07-November-2016 Monday
How engineers see the world
07-November-2016 Monday
I dreamed about such a cat
02-November-2016 Wednesday
Sex robots with detailed genitals will cost more than 10 thousand pounds
24-October-2016 Monday
No girl and probably never will
19-October-2016 Wednesday
I am Ace Ventura
19-October-2016 Wednesday
17-October-2016 Monday
Unusual types of sex
16-October-2016 Sunday
Useful rules of Russian Railways that not everyone knows about
14-October-2016 Friday
My opinion about KVN.
07-October-2016 Friday
How I dealt with the "freeloader".
03-October-2016 Monday
Welcome to fsociety...
03-October-2016 Monday
Marvel knows a lot about humor.
03-October-2016 Monday
Accurate translation
19-September-2016 Monday
Diary of a Drinking Drunkard
07-September-2016 Wednesday
16-May-2014 Friday
It's clear.
13-April-2014 Sunday
I must run