Alkazani1 comments

21-April-2013 Sunday

21-April-2013 Sunday
I'm shocked, it's so unfair

21-April-2013 Sunday
Suarez bites Ivanovic

21-April-2013 Sunday
I'm sick of new details with these Tsarnaevs ...

21-April-2013 Sunday
Here is the magic symbol of Russia

20-April-2013 Saturday
What the **** is?

20-April-2013 Saturday
Mikhail Kozhukhov, I respect him!

20-April-2013 Saturday
How to pray with a child... and where does Pedobear go?

19-April-2013 Friday
Does the same happen to you?

19-April-2013 Friday
Spoilers on Game of Thrones

19-April-2013 Friday
Jack Reacher

19-April-2013 Friday
My thoughts on Jack Reacher
