worst comments
Authorities are trying to take away eight children from a single father
The insurance company is demanding money from the teenager for the headlight of the car that hit him
Mom's collection of cats
Gypsy men.
There are a lot of us )))
Rude ambulance driver
Woman marries man who saved her life by sharing liver
Butterfly epidemic
Home in five minutes or how I said goodbye to life three times
The twins spent $250,000 on plastic surgery and now regret it.
Engraving coasters, workdays.
Time is running
Video engineer level 100+
ATTENTION !!! Beginning of the donor disaster!! Any person to be in a hospital bed and in response to hear the words: "There is no blood!"
Are your balls in place, sir?
Ludicrous death
Do you remember?...
Yes, you're in luck...
Kind heart
Kind heart
Kind heart
about weird relationships
Cupids (love-kindness post)
Rude ambulance driver