AlexVIII comments, page 12

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15-May-2020 Friday
TOP 15 infected regions of Russia with COVID-19. From March 3 to May 14, 2020

02-May-2020 Saturday
Typical shopping in San Francisco

23-April-2020 Thursday
Hairs in braces do not get stuck, checked! ;)

17-April-2020 Friday
Wi-Fi from God in the literal sense!

12-April-2020 Sunday
Why have witches been burned since the Middle Ages?

10-April-2020 Friday
The most crowned hospital in NY. As soon as the reporters leave, the “epidemic” ends...

06-April-2020 Monday
We light the diodes in series - is an Arduino needed?

05-April-2020 Sunday
Looking at the infection map

02-April-2020 Thursday
The funny thing is that it's true

01-April-2020 Wednesday
A post for those who are comfortable with sarcasm and in support of feminists. Remember: A woman is a creator - a creator!

15-March-2020 Sunday
Pinochet and picket

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