AlexDiamante comments

[3] [2] [1]

14-July-2014 Monday
I was walking with my sister in the park and found a swan trying to bite the camera

01-July-2014 Tuesday
Pikabushniks of Almaty, let's stir up a meeting???

23-June-2014 Monday
Take a seat Russia.

21-June-2014 Saturday

07-June-2014 Saturday
Well trained dog!

21-February-2014 Friday

20-February-2014 Thursday
Very emotional

20-February-2014 Thursday
One medal for two =)

08-February-2014 Saturday
The best option for St. Valentine's Day.

01-February-2014 Saturday
don't drive

25-January-2014 Saturday

08-January-2014 Wednesday

08-January-2014 Wednesday
Ready to launch!

07-January-2014 Tuesday
How I returned home on January 1

06-January-2014 Monday
Something like this:/

06-January-2014 Monday
Perfect pool

06-January-2014 Monday
Dancing my friends for the new year.

06-January-2014 Monday
I wanted to show you our cake

06-January-2014 Monday
Pleasant moments of winter.

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