best comments
School diary cover for 5th grade. year 2001
Amazing animals and the incredible imagination of Mother Nature.
And let's post useful tips?
Gorgeous Norwegian Forest cats that are huge, fluffy and love snow
Goliath beetle: 100 grams of heavy armor knocks a person down on impact
What are you like today?
Not alone)))
To help those who dare to travel to Australia
Typical concert of unknown bands
Ice Age from the Adult Brain
I don't even know where to start
Reply to the post "Do not give up your regiment"
Resourceful dog
Advice from life pros
3 eras
Twitter you are cruel
What determines intelligence?
2020 spares no one
The sight of this tree dazzles your eyes
Girls and foxes
An apple tree branch grafted onto an ordinary tree produces fruit.
Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin
Selection: pareidolia
Prohibitions in the army for Israeli soldiers
There are several “machines of civilization” in the world, and their manufacturer controls the entire electronics market. What are we talking about?
A mystery covered... in wool
Bony swans
Each class has...
What kind of instrument is this?
Photos of the Apollo landing sites
Anniversary gift
Life hack on how to make guts with your own hands.
Serious investor
Musketeer Parking
We took a walk
School diary cover for 5th grade. year 2001
Appearances are deceptive
Destruction of the vitreous body
In St. Petersburg, a semaphore was installed at the railway crossing on Energetikov Avenue
More than 50 ice postcards have already appeared on the rivers and lakes of the Amur region: in memory of Grandfather Valeria (photo/video)
Calling referees gypsies is okay, but calling a dark-skinned player black is not
Ladies and gentlemen, I want to introduce you to the husband who didn't want a cat!
Advice from life pros
Spying through "private" security cameras!
What's on your wall?
In anticipation of recent events
It's just that we've all grown up...
Who doesn't know...
It turns out that the Sahara is not the largest desert in the world.
Taxi driver stories 66
Wisdom comes with age
Corner of the room speaking in an unknown language
Corner of the room speaking in an unknown language
Hydra and quarantine
Shall we take the kitten home?
Everyone has woken up a cat at least once to hear this sound.
What are they really?...
Wisdom comes with age
Prohibitions in the army for Israeli soldiers
Reply posts on Pikabu - a new feature for those who were “inspired by the post”
How to open a brick factory in a car
What kind of instrument is this?
What kind of instrument is this?
Is NASA fooling us?
Covid Royale
The largest craters on Earth
Somewhere in the Urals, a forest replaces the sky for people...
Announcement of the Direct Line with Maxim Khryashchev, Pikabu admin
The new mobile version is for everyone, for nothing, and let no one leave offended!
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible
Very heartbreaking...
Help identifying a bird
Help identifying a bird
Help identifying a bird
About bedbugs
We use an "invisible" nickname in "Telegram"
Today on planet earth
What is the difference between an expensive and a cheap electric kettle? Let's saw!
Photos that make your blood run cold
I was bitten by a shark while standing in the ocean. But I didn’t even show it...
Professional deformation at the maximum
So that the shoes do not slip. Recipe in 5 minutes
Life hack on how to make guts with your own hands.
Advice from life pros
What are you like today?
Service in Italian
Evolution of man and human brains
For lovers of "bunnies", "fish", "suns"
When the prank got a little out of control
I'm not even catching up