09-August-2014 Saturday
At that moment, I realized that I could no longer create a family
01-June-2014 Sunday
Thanks for Ardu. Drawn for the Professor's birthday.
28-May-2014 Wednesday
09-May-2014 Friday
Children's theory
31-March-2014 Monday
emergency defibrillator
31-March-2014 Monday
"Breaking Bad: The Beginning"
26-March-2014 Wednesday
Edrit-madrit, in kind
11-March-2014 Tuesday
Past and present in photographs
04-March-2014 Tuesday
Hooray, lesson over! Sit down, call for the teacher!
16-February-2014 Sunday
The cast of The Hobbit recite the ballad about Bilbo Baggins by Leonard Nimoy
05-January-2014 Sunday