worst comments
About faith
What will happen to Europe in a thousand years?
I wrote it a long time ago, today I found it and decided to show it to people
I wrote it a long time ago, today I found it and decided to show it to people
Little p "drila
About grandmas and their war.
Yazhpsychologist. "About lesbianism." Unusual version.
I'm not a robber, I'm a maniac
Yazhpsychologist. "About lesbianism." Unusual version.
Yazhpsychologist. "Murder itself".
Briefly about the weather in Sochi
Briefly about the weather in Sochi
Funny stories...
About grandmas and their war.
About grandmas and their war.
Yazhpsychologist. "About lesbianism." Unusual version.
About faith
About faith
I wrote it a long time ago, today I found it and decided to show it to people
I wrote it a long time ago, today I found it and decided to show it to people