Akvileya comments

[30] [2] [1]

02-September-2017 Saturday
“All diseases are from nerves” or “What are psychosomatic diseases”

01-September-2017 Friday
How to read it?

30-August-2017 Wednesday
Everyday life of an ordinary psychiatric hospital.

05-August-2017 Saturday
Will you eat with your hands?

04-August-2017 Friday
Pregnancy changes the structure of the brain

29-July-2017 Saturday
About operations and medical humor.

28-July-2017 Friday
Pikabu help out!

22-July-2017 Saturday
Based on the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

17-July-2017 Monday
"Talking" tavern sign

16-July-2017 Sunday
Rick and Morty #9

14-July-2017 Friday
How do I change the ligaments.

22-June-2017 Thursday
This rabbit seems to be broken.

17-June-2017 Saturday
My student body.

16-June-2017 Friday
In the US, cosmetics sellers were stripped naked for the sake of advertising

16-June-2017 Friday
How far technology has come... I want to know more about it.

15-June-2017 Thursday
Yes, yes, I understand...

14-June-2017 Wednesday
Nightmares change with age.

13-June-2017 Tuesday
The artist does not have to earn anything.

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