AkunaMatatuna comments, page 12

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30-December-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "Confessions of a Fat Woman"

29-December-2024 Sunday
Vladislav.Raz's answer to "In Dagestan, high school students raped a girl for 7 months, pumping her full of drugs"

29-December-2024 Sunday
Somewhere in the hospital...

28-December-2024 Saturday
An annual reminder post on how not to become an asshole

27-December-2024 Friday
In Dagestan, high school students raped a girl for 7 months, pumping her full of drugs

23-December-2024 Monday
Wrote a letter to the President of the Russian Federation. Asked for free electricity for myself too.

21-December-2024 Saturday
Ukrainians, I beg your pardon

19-December-2024 Thursday
Nezemnaya's reply to "The Dumbest and Shortest Marriage"

09-December-2024 Monday
Daddy, I have a fever, can I stay home today?

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