worst comments
My wife left me...
2 months of multiple rocket launchers seem to be bearing fruit
A large column of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, apparently moving to Ukraine
A large column of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, apparently moving to Ukraine
CNBC: Putin's new gas crisis dooms Europe to recession and harsh winter of rationing
Today on the roads...
Ages are coming! Part 8! Birthday!
I have just one question...
Custom ColdSteel 4max made based on the rusty irons of the Skavens from the Warhammer universe
Flag of the Union of Lands of Ukrainian Sloboda and Eastern Sloboda
How my friend got divorced
Low-wage personnel
Russian tank
Do you need a nurse?)
The answer to the post "Let's launch a new flash mob, girls?"
When school was canceled because of the cold
Rationalization proposal
If a woman says she's not hungry... or a dish to be served cold
Men told what can make a girl unattractive at the moment
Oh that logic
I ask for help from electricians, the terminals in the distribution box are melting
Home) Sorry for now without a face. Criticism is welcome
Reply to the post "Mermaid Remake Trailer"
Best Cyberpunk Animated Series
German Shepherd and village
Protect and warn children
Paternal offspring
I gave almost three hours of my life to the blue men
WB is completely fucked up :)
WB is completely fucked up :)
Response to the post: "About life-giving complaints"
Everything you need to know about the ruble exchange rate and the impudence of hucksters
Everything you need to know about the ruble exchange rate and the impudence of hucksters
If a woman says she's not hungry... or a dish to be served cold
A little more and the French will work only to pay utility bills
About flowers, sweets and mi-mi-mi
About flowers, sweets and mi-mi-mi
Goodbye Beer 0.5
Response to the post "#StopHatingRussians"
Beeline's hit the bottom
In black, it would have bigger wheels ...
So it happens
What do these animals allow themselves to do?
Working chambers of Kiev
Wedding Contests
Briefly about how to calculate a Ukrofascist in Ukraine
The next stage of pupation?
Beautiful landscape
Your girlfriend's past or relationship in her 30s
About business on the example of the Aksion plant
Good morning
About causelessness (Maelinhon)
Reply to the post "If your girlfriend does not know what to give you, show her this:"
Response to the post "How the savings bank * happens to pensioners"
Crimean bridge
What to drink when it's hot?
Moonrise over Trinity Cathedral. My best photos - 2022
DIY bed
Clinton spoke about his proposal to make Russia a member of NATO
When your wife calls on an important matter and you're at work
When your wife calls on an important matter and you're at work
Bring Covid
Russian wives exposed | 1171
Building a healthy person: a century-old oak was preserved during the construction of a school in New Moscow
Are we racists after all?
Return as it was!