Aki.An comments, page 88

[90] [89] [88] [87] [1]

03-June-2024 Monday
Am I an asshole for not being happy about the gift for 200 thousand?

03-June-2024 Monday
The game has begun!

02-June-2024 Sunday
And when it seems that nothing can surprise you anymore...

02-June-2024 Sunday
How to quit smoking?

02-June-2024 Sunday
I'm tired of it, guys, I'm tired of it, honestly, to the core...

02-June-2024 Sunday
Waved his paw

02-June-2024 Sunday
At least not with a knife

02-June-2024 Sunday
Native plant

01-June-2024 Saturday
How I worked in Finland

01-June-2024 Saturday
Cat in the firewood

01-June-2024 Saturday
Something and somehow

01-June-2024 Saturday
Plumber in Zhek

31-May-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “When nothing foreshadowed the tragedy”

31-May-2024 Friday
The first day of summer

[90] [89] [88] [87] [1]
