AhVasilisa comments

[18] [2] [1]

28-October-2017 Saturday
I would like to see it

25-October-2017 Wednesday
Bags of human flesh and Hitler on steroids: the real story of Wolfenstein (18+)

20-June-2017 Tuesday
Part 3 - Gaslighting, Psychological Terrorism in Krasnodar: Facts, Logic, Reasoning

14-May-2017 Sunday
Notes of the administrator of the sauna.

06-May-2017 Saturday
Gigapixel photo, now you won't get lost in the crowd. Usable by reference.

21-April-2017 Friday
Crispy french fries without a drop of fat!

17-February-2017 Friday
When you love your job...

17-February-2017 Friday
When too kind.

14-February-2017 Tuesday
ROC, ah yes well done!

11-February-2017 Saturday
The story continues!

08-February-2017 Wednesday
Don't peep!

06-February-2017 Monday
About the breaking news

04-February-2017 Saturday
Some interesting facts about the life of crazy writers.

02-February-2017 Thursday
Hiking in the sky.

30-January-2017 Monday
Almost a painting by Shishkin, almost a bear.

02-November-2016 Wednesday
Home video

[18] [2] [1]
