Admimistrator comments, page 51

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01-January-2025 Wednesday
Where are the promised minuses in 2025?!!!

28-November-2024 Thursday
A man said - a man did!

06-November-2024 Wednesday
Killer waves. They were not believed in for a long time, but now they are trying to explain

20-May-2024 Monday
Elite knives to order

12-April-2024 Friday
I'm coming out into the light

28-February-2024 Wednesday
Basket babies or how a daughter saved her sister

05-February-2024 Monday
Won the lottery

06-January-2024 Saturday
How to make important decisions

04-January-2024 Thursday
Youtube deleted Evgeniy Badcomedian's review of the film "Chuk and Gek"

20-December-2023 Wednesday
Did you think about fucking me?

10-December-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “Bryansk security guard jailed for 2 months”

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