Achehov comments, page 3

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26-July-2013 Friday
Smart guys

25-July-2013 Thursday
It seems to me or ...

24-July-2013 Wednesday
Best Japanese Cartoons

24-July-2013 Wednesday
Antique Insolence or Steel Eggs (sorry for the misspelling)

23-July-2013 Tuesday
About vision

21-July-2013 Sunday
throw out the trash

20-July-2013 Saturday
Typical Russia :S

18-July-2013 Thursday
Children! Beware of scammers!

17-July-2013 Wednesday
Almost 20 million people live below the poverty line in Russia. For the year they became 500 thousand more.

14-July-2013 Sunday
Ahhh .... already got the SHOW WITH THE STARS!

09-July-2013 Tuesday
Favorite characters could look like this.

08-July-2013 Monday
"Amputation of a finger" or how to scare friends

08-July-2013 Monday
I want to share

07-July-2013 Sunday

07-July-2013 Sunday
advantages of the horizontal bar)

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