worst comments
This is my pet.)
9gag users think Mr. Putin is really strong!
Swapped mothers
Did you fix it?
Mom and sister saved this miracle.
Cucumber crocodile.
street tramp
This is the real Next Gen
Did you fix it?
Did you fix it?
He has democracy...
A Guinness Record has been set in Krasnoyarsk!
9gag users think Mr. Putin is really strong!
Drank wine at my wedding
How are films different from reality? That's what! #militants
Auto Service Employee of the Month
Bioshock Infinite - Cosplay of my friends.
Drank wine at my wedding
Little dogs are so cute...
Did you fix it?
Parent SMS!
Puzzle, test your wit!
sitting on the toilet...
To help start-up entrepreneurs and not only.
There is always a way
Wonderful poems
America is losing allies
Without moms, dads and loans
Advertising dual-zone climate control from Skoda
Day at the beach
Well, really!
We are Russians !
Take care of your life and the lives of your loved ones!
How I washed dry cleaning in Tula
Nothing changes
Thinking out loud
My KOTA (Neva Masquerade)
Did you fix it?
Did you fix it?
And so I wanted ...
One of Vladimir Putin's cars.
Just a note to myself, not for the pros and cons.
Just a note to myself, not for the pros and cons.
Just a note to myself, not for the pros and cons.
Just a note to myself, not for the pros and cons.
Just a note to myself, not for the pros and cons.
Pilot of a helicopter shot down over Slavyansk
Christopher Lee.