Aazmanidius posts

23-May-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “My finger was cut off”

31-August-2022 Wednesday
Problems with getting a driver's license

02-March-2022 Wednesday
To the Census of Cats

05-September-2021 Sunday
About some of our services

30-July-2021 Friday
Yosh in the country

09-July-2021 Friday
Child's education: please explain

18-June-2021 Friday
And again Jalapeshka in the country

01-May-2021 Saturday
Continuation of the post “About one’s own inattention, or excessive trust in people”

31-March-2021 Wednesday
About your own inattention, or excessive trust in people

13-December-2019 Friday
When you come to the sea, but swimming is prohibited
