A.sekator posts

29-August-2021 Sunday

15-June-2018 Friday
About those who like to poke their noses into other people's business.

22-February-2018 Thursday
Congratulations to colleagues on February 23

23-November-2017 Thursday
Zeliboba, is that you?

24-October-2017 Tuesday
Fashion in the center of Moscow.

11-September-2017 Monday
B - Eggplant.

06-April-2017 Thursday
The tale of how I "bent" the OpSoSa

27-March-2017 Monday
A friend asks for help

26-December-2016 Monday
Russian Railways, you're zealous, go home... or New Year's eve aggravation.

06-September-2016 Tuesday
In response to "how vital" or the seventh charge of the i-pad
