worst comments
Interview with a flight attendant
A patient with advanced Alzheimer's disease signed his medical record every year for 14 years.
Unexpected turn
Nezlob on TNT
so, no?
Nepal is Nepal...
Luxury furniture and bags of money: photo of a search at the Novosibirsk City Hall official
Nezlob on TNT
We sell for rights.
Michelle Trachtenberg
After removal of a brain tumor.
Pikachu, I believe in you!
Michelle Trachtenberg
Peekaboo Update: Upload Images in Comments
How braces straighten teeth
Now bizzze has original profile page design =)
Mimas, Enceladus and Tethys
Crazy public transport passengers.
Ukraine announces $10,000 reward for the best insult to Urgant
Ukraine announces $10,000 reward for the best insult to Urgant
Pikachu, I believe in you!
Pikachu, I believe in you!
This is how we got married
Oh gods...
It made my day!
A new look at photo effects
It's time for warm sweaters!
How many cute faces!
Mads Mikkelsen
Go, I created!
Making our own meme (long post)
I can’t believe my eyes or this doesn’t happen to everyone)
Old age is not a joy
They want to disband the alien deportation department...