APPLE150392 posts

24-October-2014 Friday
Working days of a taxi driver.

28-September-2014 Sunday
I don't know why but this photo makes me laugh :D

21-September-2014 Sunday
All rock and roll

21-September-2014 Sunday
Okay, but that's who I work for)))) While there are no people who want to ride, we kill time))))

27-February-2013 Wednesday
These are the primary education teachers at my school...

25-January-2013 Friday
Full tank? For the first and last time: D

23-January-2013 Wednesday
Well, you understand;)))

02-January-2013 Wednesday
Guys, do not judge strictly, my first poem))))

31-December-2012 Monday
forever alone ...

14-December-2012 Friday
wrap it up, take it)

12-December-2012 Wednesday
Happy New Year...motherfuckers..

11-December-2012 Tuesday
my advanced cat)))
