09-May-2015 Saturday
Hidden threat

03-February-2015 Tuesday
Someone knocked.

21-December-2014 Sunday
From the series "I'm an engineer with my mother"

21-December-2014 Sunday
A friend decided to learn how to throw a knife. I don't think he does very well...

21-December-2014 Sunday
Might be worth buying a lottery ticket.

10-December-2014 Wednesday
There's always something wrong with these wallpapers...

07-December-2014 Sunday
A bit of lego racism

05-December-2014 Friday
When there are not enough shelves in the hostel

04-December-2014 Thursday
Close the breadcutter!

26-October-2014 Sunday
When talking to a girl on the phone

05-December-2013 Thursday
Breaking bad
