worst comments
Brave new world.
For lovers of a small threesome* #117
And here are the details on the collision in Moscow.
When a pickup guy has balls of steel...
Evening in the hut
Tore it up!
Dead "DON"
Facts about "spice"
Inside from a former riot police officer
C++ Tutorial
"The Snow Queen Attacks Customers 2" or "Couch Troops Strike Back"
The husband is a hopeless slacker.
About the beard: negative consequences.
They have it set!
I've been wanting to ask
Makeup power
Chemistry will give us abundance.
Case at the reservoir in Vidnoye
How I see games now.
How I see games now.
Overheard at our university
In Cherepovets, pedestrians who cross the zebra crossing not according to the rules were fined
Gotta shake it off
Case at the reservoir in Vidnoye
Train travel
Just look at the beaver in the bee costume.
Typical Yakut trash can
Here's what happens if you install the top 10 programs from Download.com
Sat on a stump
The strangest dating sites
Warm tube clock (long post). Part one.