89135373022 posts

13-April-2020 Monday
Easter bunny, rabbit made from a towel | DIY Easter bunny | Easter crafts

09-April-2020 Thursday
Easter cottage cheese Three chocolates

07-April-2020 Tuesday
How to sew a 3D mask with your own hands | Protective mask without sewing machine + pattern

30-March-2020 Monday
How to sew an easy and simple reusable fabric mask

26-March-2020 Thursday
Delicious potato recipe | the ingredients are in every home| cook with me COOK WITH ME

24-March-2020 Tuesday
Bounty at home | Tastes better than in the store | cook with me COOK WITH ME

11-January-2020 Saturday
Cheesecake, curd pie without baking. Quick and very tender recipe.

26-December-2019 Thursday
Processed cheese roll Druzhba, an excellent snack

25-December-2019 Wednesday
Salad Mice on cheese, with smoked chicken. Great idea for decorating any salad

13-December-2019 Friday
Homemade marshmallow, ready in 5 minutes Tender, soft, moderately sweet and slightly sour

24-November-2019 Sunday
Salad "Red Sea" New Year 2020, very tasty and quick salad
