889900 posts, page 280

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18-January-2024 Thursday
New Year's drug addiction

01-December-2023 Friday
About unexpected diabetes

25-October-2023 Wednesday
Gooseberry jam

19-October-2023 Thursday
About sounds

21-September-2023 Thursday
Seryoga. Sad. Two medical histories

21-June-2023 Wednesday
Did it

15-June-2023 Thursday
Sock. I'm going through something

25-May-2023 Thursday
Stand up, fall down

23-May-2023 Tuesday
dog tooth fairy

29-March-2023 Wednesday

28-March-2023 Tuesday
Lighthouses, let's fly. "Achievement list"

24-March-2023 Friday
Way of the Noble Cat

25-November-2022 Friday
Man at the bus stop

03-November-2022 Thursday
"Heroes" and the old woman

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