worst comments
The pickups ordered 2 times more stew than we had sold before. Total of 25 days of sales
The pickups ordered 2 times more stew than we had sold before. Total of 25 days of sales
The pickups ordered 2 times more stew than we had sold before. Total of 25 days of sales
The pickups ordered 2 times more stew than we had sold before. Total of 25 days of sales
Reply to the post "Time machine to zero"
Irish dance
And who is right
Just snow
Response to the post “A football fan who attacked a child today turned to those who threaten to kill him and his entire family”
Just snow
Heads baked
The investigation asks for house arrest for a girl who knocked down three children at a pedestrian crossing in Moscow
Do you catch fish?
Zhirinovsky everything...
After the strike of the RF Armed Forces on the Kharkiv CHP-5, there is no electricity in the Kharkiv and Poltava regions, the whole of Ukraine is under threat
How the savings bank * happens to pensioners
Well, anyway
Heads baked
Slightly creepy, but interesting
In Kazakhstan, passions do not subside after the fight between Canelo and Golovkin
When personal correspondence was hacked. Act in three acts)
Response to the post "Batsarashkina became the Olympic champion in air pistol shooting"
Taxi driver from DD...
Taxi driver from DD...
Taxi driver from DD...
Taxi driver from DD...
They are
The investigation asks for house arrest for a girl who knocked down three children at a pedestrian crossing in Moscow
You famously made it up!
In the LPR commented on the crosses of the Wehrmacht on Ukrainian equipment
How so?
On guard of an erection
50 points (rubles) to the Fix Price card (September 24)
Antispam at gas stations Gazprom Neft
Looking for a job, do not offer sex
A friend with whom you are never bored
Rased's response to "You want too much for the work you do quickly"
Fucking youngsters filmed an article for themselves, I hope. Caution, tin
Azamat Musagaliev - I also fuck the queen =)
Reply to the post "How to block promotional SMS from "text" numbers?"
"Titanium Thigh After Cremation"
Dismemberedgrad again
Response to the post "What are they counting on?"
Taxi driver from DD...
You can take the man out of the village, but you can't take the village out of the man.
Let's have our voice
That's all I wanted to say
For all Honor and Huawei users
The cottage burned down
The cottage burned down
And who is right