worst comments
Some statistics
An interesting observation from the open spaces of VK
Useful information and tips for real men!
Poems-powders in pictures)
Slender xD
Slender xD
Fall asleep and wake up...
Monica Bellucci
So much warmer =)
So that's it.
Couldn't get past.
I am 16 years old and I was given this set of tools that I have long wanted, but 20 year old children are given radio-controlled toys.
Help pull out
Serial beauties!
Peekaboo, help with the choice of components for the computer
What to do?..
Photojab on a photo from one post
Snow Maiden on January 1 =)
What if
What if
male friendship)
The boy is self-destructive.
Help, not for the sake of pluses! There is a comment for minuses!
The horrors of decaying America are the lines for ice cream.
I know that people here love people with leaves
Sterilized Nastenka
I'd take a look)
A unique battle near Moscow: cannons of the 19th century against fascist tanks.