4512 posts

22-October-2015 Thursday
Found dead Igor Mosiychuk - the next Bereza or Levus?

21-October-2015 Wednesday
Myths about "Putin's" emigration

21-October-2015 Wednesday
Photo album of the Ukrainian punisher

21-October-2015 Wednesday
October 21, 2015 "Back to the Future". Back to the Future. Here we have survived)))

20-October-2015 Tuesday
In the DPR, a militia blew herself up on a mine, pulling a wounded soldier out of the minefield. You can't throw yours away!

19-October-2015 Monday
Salary of state employees Ukraine

19-October-2015 Monday
Boeing MH17: report battle

19-October-2015 Monday
Muesli Lavrova

17-October-2015 Saturday
Konstantin Semin "AgitProp"

17-October-2015 Saturday
Tolya, don't go crazy

17-October-2015 Saturday
News Front Documentary: "A Man Without a Machine Gun" - trailer

16-October-2015 Friday
What are you laughing at

16-October-2015 Friday
Dreams of the egg

14-October-2015 Wednesday
With warmth and love to all radical Islamists from the Russian Aerospace Forces
