worst comments
Envy is sometimes a good feeling
Reply to the post “How did your traitors react when you found out about the betrayal?”
Continued Response to the post "The other side of treason"
Reply to Midlife Crisis? Or the end of the family?
A long sheet of one little story. Triangle with husband and mother-in-law)))
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
Continuation of the post "Here I am in the league"
Reply to Midlife Crisis? Or the end of the family?
:o :o
Well, take me
Reply to Midlife Crisis? Or the end of the family?
Continuation of the post "Here I am in the league"
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
Reply to the post "Jealous Husbands"
Reply to Midlife Crisis? Or the end of the family?
I to you
The answer to the post "Have you forgiven the traitors?"
The answer to the post “Official salary is 12,000 rubles, alimony was collected 4 times more, how and why?”
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus
The answer to the post "Have you forgiven the traitors?"
Reply to "Late"
Unattainable dream of love?
Husband left
DeliriumClub's answer to "Minus Family"
Like a bolt from the blue
Reply to Midlife Crisis? Or the end of the family?
I'm planning a divorce
Catching up with the wave of posts about divorce
Burned his wife's correspondence
This is what the most visual and effective motivator looks like...
Scream into the void
The answer to the post “Official salary is 12,000 rubles, alimony was collected 4 times more, how and why?”
The answer to the post "Have you forgiven the traitors?"
Well, take me
Erisalia's response to "History of the Traitor"
Burned his wife's correspondence
This is what the most visual and effective motivator looks like...
Reply to the post "On the subject of girls with children"
Wit and touched me
Continuation of the post "Here I am in the league"
financial treason
:o :o
Husband left
Husband left
Reply to "It's My Turn to Heal a Broken Heart" post
Cheating wife
Reply to Midlife Crisis? Or the end of the family?
I found out that my girlfriend communicates and meets guys behind my back
This is the end?
Reply to the post "On the subject of girls with children"
Continuation of the post "Here I am in the league"
The best girl in our area
The answer to the post "Well, you che, there was no betrayal! ..."
speak out
People were different...
The answer to the post “Official salary is 12,000 rubles, alimony was collected 4 times more, how and why?”
The answer to the post “Official salary is 12,000 rubles, alimony was collected 4 times more, how and why?”
Scream into the void
Continued Response to the post "The other side of treason"
Again about mothers
Here I am in the league
Continuation of the post "Here I am in the league"
Continuation of the post "Here I am in the league"
Reply to the post "Double standards for women?"
financial treason
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
Sincerity in relationships and a league of broken hearts
I love you
Wit and touched me
I have something broken
Brain thrown up on a fan
My husband
Life goes on
I found out that my girlfriend communicates and meets guys behind my back
I found out that my girlfriend communicates and meets guys behind my back
I found out that my girlfriend communicates and meets guys behind my back
Cheating wife
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
Reply to the post "Double standards for women?"
Continuation of the post "Here I am in the league"
The answer to the post “Official salary is 12,000 rubles, alimony was collected 4 times more, how and why?”
The answer to the post “Official salary is 12,000 rubles, alimony was collected 4 times more, how and why?”
Well, take me
The answer to the post "Have you forgiven the traitors?"
I'm confused, help!
I'm confused, help!
The answer to the post "Well, you che, there was no betrayal! ..."
Continuation of the post "Double Life"
Well, take me
Reply to the post "On the subject of girls with children"
Divorce from wife
I didn’t find the League of Snot here, apparently my post will be the first ...
I didn’t find the League of Snot here, apparently my post will be the first ...
Continuation of the post "Here I am in the league"
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
Good people, here's the thing. Hello
Wife and husband
Did he love
It was impossible to forgive
Response to the post "Accept to the league .. I ask for advice"
DeliriumClub's answer to "Minus Family"
Continuation of the post "The brain threw on the fan"
The pain of family life and children
Continuation of the post "And it can be"
I found out that my girlfriend communicates and meets guys behind my back
I have something broken
Life goes on
Everything passes and this will pass
It was impossible to forgive
The Titanic is sinking .. or already at the bottom
It was impossible to forgive
It was impossible to forgive
Cheating wife
Reply to the post "Jealous Husbands"
Join the League
This is how I came to this
How to take focus from a broken heart...
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
This is the end?
Well, this is where our story ends.
financial treason
Sincerity in relationships and a league of broken hearts
Continuation of the post "Here I am in the league"
And I'm there too
And I'm there too
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
Continuation of the post "Evil people"
About "suddenly fell out of love and left"
At 31...
The answer to the post “Official salary is 12,000 rubles, alimony was collected 4 times more, how and why?”
Guys, advise how to stop worrying about your ex-wife?
My junkie boyfriend
Why do marriages break up?
3 simple phrases that will help the driver avoid a fine for not letting a pedestrian pass
3 simple phrases that will help the driver avoid a fine for not letting a pedestrian pass
Porsche Cayenne, panties and a corkscrew
Continuation of the post "Double Life"
No one is safe
About cheating and stuff
Like a bolt from the blue
I don't know how to be
I don't know how to be
Take in the league of broken hearts
The answer to the post "Have you forgiven the traitors?"
At 31...
I don't understand flirting or does he have feelings for me?
Well, take me
Continuation of the post "Too honest husband"
Dumb actions of the second halves
Again about mothers
What do i do? Help with advice please
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
Continuation of the post "Gift for NG from" beloved wife ""
normal relationship
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
Continuation of the post "Here I am in the league"
Sincerity in relationships and a league of broken hearts
We need to speak frankly with each other more often. Probably
We need to speak frankly with each other more often. Probably
financial treason
Continuation of the post “It seems my fiance is in love with another”
About love
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
Sincerity in relationships and a league of broken hearts
Sincerity in relationships and a league of broken hearts
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
I can't believe this is happening to me... You can't laugh
How to take focus from a broken heart...
Reply to the post "Jealous Husbands"
Join the League
Reply to the post "Jealous Husbands"
Reply to the post "Jealous Husbands"
Alternative theory
Found out about someone else's betrayal
Found out about someone else's betrayal
Cheating wife
I found out that my girlfriend communicates and meets guys behind my back
I found out that my girlfriend communicates and meets guys behind my back
I'm planning a divorce
:o :o
My husband
Life goes on
Life goes on
I have something broken
My history
Reply to the post "Because there is no one else to tell"
Husband left
Husband left
Husband left
DeliriumClub's answer to "Minus Family"
DeliriumClub's answer to "Minus Family"
I'm afraid of women
Husband left