3Lolo comments, page 80

[80] [79] [1]

01-July-2024 Monday
Post #11561782

30-June-2024 Sunday
Post #11559757

29-June-2024 Saturday
Continuation of the post “The United States stated that the Russian satellite Resurs-P fell apart in space”

25-June-2024 Tuesday
About self-development

23-June-2024 Sunday
124 people, including 27 children. suffered during the attack on Sevastopol

15-June-2024 Saturday
An ordinary day in the DPRK

15-June-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Another propaganda”

14-June-2024 Friday
The United States does not understand one thing when introducing new sanctions against Russia

13-June-2024 Thursday
In Vietnam, the clouds took on multi-colored colors

[80] [79] [1]
